Jumping Rope Techniques For Boxers

Best-Skipping-Rope-Techniques-For-BoxersIf you are a boxer, you already know just how hard a sport it is that you are associated with. For you non-boxers, below is a rundown on the physical fitness elements needed to excel inside the squared circle:
• Speed — hit fast and move quick
• Power — hit hard
• Core Strength — for protection against body blows and for generating even more punching power
• Cardiovascular Physical Fitness — to avoid running out of gas after a couple of rounds
• Muscle Endurance — to continue punching, blocking and moving for the period of the fight
• Skill — being healthy and strong is important but you also have to know about techniques, how to punch and cover correctly and all about ring craft. This comes with experience and good instruction
Developing these physical fitness components needs a well-designed workout program that will need to include a whole host of various kinds of training including: Continue reading

Jumping Rope Exercises for Beginners

Best-Skipping-Rope-Exercises-For-BeginnersIn case you missed the scoop, using a skipping rope is one of the most effective exercises you can do to help you stay in shape, lose weight and be healthy. It’s simple, easy to learn, inexpensive, readily accessible, can be done almost anywhere and anytime and most importantly is safe and effective. And while you can do fancy techniques like double unders, turns and crossovers, simple speed rope exercises are as effective for providing results as more complicated ones.

Making use of a speed rope provides so many advantages it’s difficult to detail them in one single, short, article but below are a few of the major ones to give you an idea as to just how powerful speed ropes can be!

• Enhanced heart and lung condition
• Enhanced heart and lung wellness
• Improved stamina
• Stronger leg muscles
• Stronger shoulders and arms
• Great for burning calories and consequently managing your weight
• Improves your coordination and balance
• Improves eye-hand-foot coordination
• Increases bone mass and strength
• Speed ropes are very portable, hardwearing and good value for money
• You can skip anywhere and anytime Continue reading

Is Jumping Rope Good for Fitness?

How-To-Jump-RopeWhen trying to make a decision on what type of physical exercise you need to do, it is important to stack up the benefits and weigh them against the potential draw backs. That way, you can be sure that you will get the most effective results for your time, effort and sweat.

For instance, swimming is a great form of physical exercise but it does not load your bones so won’t strengthen your skeleton, is only really effective if you know how to swim properly and is not all that pleasant in the winter. You may not even live near a pool…

Then there is running. Running is very accessible but it means that you either need to head out in all weathers, take your chances with the traffic or limit yourself to running on a treadmill which, unless you have one at home, means you will need to join a health club.

Cycling is another great physical exercise option but weather, traffic, having to purchase a bike and poor roads can make cycling for fitness a less than attractive proposition.

As excellent as running, swimming and cycling can be, there are some irrefutable drawbacks which mean they might not have what you are looking for from a brand new physical exercise routine. Continue reading

How Speed Rope Works?

Black CSX PRO 3000 Skipping RopeOne of the oldest physical exercise tools still being employed nowadays is the jump rope. Back in the days of old, jump ropes were exactly that; lengths of cotton rope. As jump rope technology progressed, leather replaced cotton and more recently, plastic has replaced leather. However, if you are serious about jumping rope, the very best modern boxing skipping ropes are made from plastic-coated metal wire and have smooth, fast spinning handles so speed jump rope workouts are now more effective than ever.

A fast-turning rope means your exercise will be more demanding and therefore more effective. A slow rope forces you to jump fewer times per minute whereas, with a very fast speed rope, you’ll be able to go at least twice as fast. The faster you move your feet, the more elevated your heart and breathing rate will be and therefore the more effective your exercise becomes.

Furthermore, a very fast jump rope will also create greater eye/hand/foot coordination as well as enhance foot speed; essential skills for most sports. Continue reading

Best Jumping Rope Exercise for Cardio

Your body is quite simply wonderful. 206 bones, over 600 muscles and dozens of organs, something as simple as bending down to tie your shoelaces is the culmination of all of these things and much more working together in synergy and harmony.

Of all the systems in your body, the most important is arguably the cardiovascular system. Consisting of your heart, lungs and blood vessels, your cardiovascular system is responsible for the intake and transport of that important substance oxygen. Try holding your breath for as long as you’ll be able to rediscover just how important oxygen is! No oxygen equals no life hence the importance of your cardiovascular system.

Needless to say, it pays to keep your cardiovascular system in good shape. As well as not smoking and eating a well-balanced diet, exercise is important for maintaining your heart and lungs in tip-top condition. But what sort of workout is best for your heart and lungs? Excellent question.

Back in the 1960s, a chap called Kenneth Cooper coined the phrase “aerobics” to describe moderately paced exercise that elevated your heart and breathing rate. Cooper’s study led him to the conclusion that this kind of physical exercise was very helpful for your cardiovascular fitness and, subsequently, heart and lung health. It is no coincidence then that aerobics is often referred to by its more accurate name, cardiovascular physical exercise, cardio or CV for short. Continue reading

Skipping Rope Best for Losing Weight

What-is-Jumping-Rope-Good-ForA large percentage of the population is fat, unfit and unhealthy. Too little exercise and too much food are the main culprits with sedentary jobs and too much time in front of the TV or PC being almost as culpable. It’s clear then that a calorie controlled diet plan and more exercise are vital for weight reduction but what kind of exercise? Jump rope of course!

Jumping rope uses just about each muscle inside your body which means it is a very effective calorie burner. Your muscles have to work hard to support your body weight as you work out and with regards to burning calories, the much more muscle activity the better.

In addition to being a very effective calorie burner, jump rope also strengthens and conditions your heart and lungs which mean you feel fitter and will also be healthier. Almost every physician worth his white coat and stethoscope knows that cardiovascular fitness is strongly linked to cardiovascular health. Fitter people tend to have lower blood pressure, low resting heart rates, low stress levels, low cholesterol and are less susceptible to strokes and heart attacks. Not only can jumping rope help you look better, you will feel better as well!

Overweight people can be reticent about going to the gym. It is understandable really; fitness centers are where the fit and beautiful people hang out. Actually this is not even remotely true but it is sufficient of a reason for an unfit and overweight individual to steer clear of gyms. Continue reading

Workouts For Jump Rope

Jump-Rope-Cardio-ExerciseJump rope is definitely an awesome method to get fit, lose weight and stay healthy but some individuals have been heard to say they find it a bit on the dull side! Clearly, these people have never truly explored the fantastic world of jump rope workouts!

Jumping rope on the spot for a long time is probably quite dull but there is really no good reason why you have to limit yourself to such unexciting exercises. Yes, it is nice to switch off your brain from time to time and just put on your favourite music and skip away but if you would like something more exciting then read on…

Jump Rope Interval Training

Interval training involves alternating periods of high intensity activity with periods of low intensity rest and is definitely an ideal method to crank up your fitness and fat burning while making your exercise shorter. Try skipping rope as fast as you can for 30 seconds and after that rest for 60 seconds. Repeat ten times for an effective 15 minute blast of cardio and fat burning. Searching for a greater challenge? Make like a boxer and jump rope for three minutes and after that rest for 1. This simulates the demands of rounds of boxing but without the danger of getting punched in the nose! Perform three to six rounds.

If you’re searching for the daddy of all interval training exercises, try a Tabata. Tabatas involve working flat out for 20 seconds and after that resting for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence eight to ten times for a four to five minute exercise guaranteed to leave you feeling like that was the longest couple of minutes of your life. For extra credits, try doing double unders – two rope turns per jump. Continue reading

Is Skipping Good for Fat Loss?

Jumping-Rope-to-Lose-WeightWhat do school girls, boxers, CrossFitters and a lot of leading sportsmen and women have in common? If you said skipping then go to the top of the class!

Skipping, or jumping rope, is a popular and highly effective form of exercise that offers a lot of benefits you really need to ask why even more people aren’t skipping their way to fitness.

For starters, jump rope needs no fancy gym membership, no expensive equipment, and no special clothing and can be done almost anywhere. If you have an extra room, a decent-sized lounge, a garage or a garden, you have somewhere to skip. Jump ropes are also really portable, are long lasting and the action of skipping is swiftly learned and slowly forgotten.

After that, think about how jumping influences your physical body. It involves virtually each of your major muscles, will reinforce your bones, burns lots of calories and will certainly strengthen your heart and lungs. As overall workouts go, skipping is extremely hard to beat.

In addition to conditioning your heart and muscles, jumping rope will also boost the function of your nervous system. Jumping over your rope will boost your coordination, eye-hand coordination, balance, agility and speed; all important components for many sporting activities. It’s not surprising that that skipping is such a big part of every boxer’s training. Continue reading

Can Skipping Help Lose Weight?

can skipping help lose weightThe vast majority of the exercising population is exercising for one reason and one reason only; weight control. Being sedentary at work, spending excessive time sat down at home and consuming excessive amounts of the incorrect type of foods has left a big portion of the population considerably overweight as well as obese. It’s not simply adults that are experiencing this issue either; youngsters are getting fatter too.

Being overly fat is not simply an aesthetic issue; it can badly impact your health and quality of life. Things are getting so bad that the World Health Organization (WHO) have actually come out and stated that weight problems is an epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Research suggests that being overweight can additionally take years off of your expected life-span so, overall, it’s no wonder that many of us are trying our hardest to reduce weight and get fit.

Slimming down is as much about diet as it is exercise so it’s crucial that, if you want to shed a few (or a lot of) pounds, you exchange the sugary sodas for water and kick the junk food into touch in favor of more vegetables and lean healthy protein. It is, after all, impossible to out exercise a bad diet plan. However, as soon as your diet is sorted it’s time to start working up a sweat and burn some calories.

Ideally, you must be active most days of the week. Our ancestors worked the land, walked for transport and did manual work but many of us now spend our time sat at work desks or in comfortable chairs in front of the TV. To balance out an otherwise inactive way of living you need to embrace an activity that you could fit seamlessly into your way of living and do anytime you have a couple of minutes spare. While you can join a fitness center, heading off for a workout at your local fitness palace could take a large portion from your day and if you are going to exercise daily, as you should, perhaps this isn’t the most effective option. Continue reading

Fantastic Benefits of Skipping

fantastic benefits of skippingWhile it’s impossible to say who first took a length of rope and jumped over it for exercise, it’s safe to state that jumping rope, or skipping as it is often known, has actually been around for a very long time. It’s not hard to imagine the gladiators of ancient Rome or the early Greek Olympians making use of a jump rope made from thin leather in an effort to increase their fitness.

Fast forward to modern-day times and jump rope designs have actually improved greatly. Where old-fashioned leather and rope were once used, plastic coated cable and low friction handles now make certain that today’s speed ropes turn effortlessly and easily. This means that you can skip a lot faster and for longer and that makes for improved fitness benefits.

So what are the benefits of jumping rope? Excellent question!

Starting from the ground up, skipping rope is excellent for your calves and ankle joints, your knees and thighs and, if you really pick up the speed and progress to doing double unders, your hip muscles as well. The action of spinning the rope gives your shoulders and arms a good workout and your core, those muscles around your waist, likewise get in on the activity.

As well as your muscles, jumping rope is excellent for your heart and your lungs which means you’ll enhance your cardiovascular fitness and with it your health. Jumping rope slowly for extended amount of times is an aerobic activity whereas jumping much faster for shorter periods of time is an an aerobic activity akin to sprinting so jumping rope is a great way to enhance not just your slow and steady fitness but also your ability to work fast and furiously. Continue reading