Can Skipping Help Lose Weight?

can skipping help lose weightThe vast majority of the exercising population is exercising for one reason and one reason only; weight control. Being sedentary at work, spending excessive time sat down at home and consuming excessive amounts of the incorrect type of foods has left a big portion of the population considerably overweight as well as obese. It’s not simply adults that are experiencing this issue either; youngsters are getting fatter too.

Being overly fat is not simply an aesthetic issue; it can badly impact your health and quality of life. Things are getting so bad that the World Health Organization (WHO) have actually come out and stated that weight problems is an epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Research suggests that being overweight can additionally take years off of your expected life-span so, overall, it’s no wonder that many of us are trying our hardest to reduce weight and get fit.

Slimming down is as much about diet as it is exercise so it’s crucial that, if you want to shed a few (or a lot of) pounds, you exchange the sugary sodas for water and kick the junk food into touch in favor of more vegetables and lean healthy protein. It is, after all, impossible to out exercise a bad diet plan. However, as soon as your diet is sorted it’s time to start working up a sweat and burn some calories.

Ideally, you must be active most days of the week. Our ancestors worked the land, walked for transport and did manual work but many of us now spend our time sat at work desks or in comfortable chairs in front of the TV. To balance out an otherwise inactive way of living you need to embrace an activity that you could fit seamlessly into your way of living and do anytime you have a couple of minutes spare. While you can join a fitness center, heading off for a workout at your local fitness palace could take a large portion from your day and if you are going to exercise daily, as you should, perhaps this isn’t the most effective option.

Instead, how about getting yourself a speed rope and skipping for a few mins each day? Besides your rope, you do not require any kind of special equipment or clothes, you can jump rope pretty much any way and at any time and skipping is an amazing calorie burner– easily comparable to running, swimming or hitting the gym. Because skipping uses each of your big muscles and is a weight-bearing task, it develops not just your fitness and helps you lose weight but also strengthens your bones and improves your balance and coordination. Skipping is a really effective exercise!

So how many calories does skipping burn? Excellent question! The answer relies on a couple of variables including how heavy you are and how quick you skip but a typical, moderately competent rope jumper could expect to burn in the region of 220 calories in 15 mins. Jump rope for longer or faster and this number shoots up considerably.

When it comes to burning calories for weight loss, jumping rope is effective, hassle-free, simple to learn and very accessible. Fighters have used skipping to help them lose excess weight for over one hundred years so if it helps these world-class sportsmens, you understand it’ll work for you.

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