Are Skipping Ropes Suitable for Kids?

Best-Skipping-Ropes-For-KidsIt’s a sad however true fact that an increasing number of children are becoming overweight. With fewer opportunities for exercising and a diet loaded with junk food, the number of overweight children is steadily climbing.

Schools don’t have the resources to invest on health and fitness facilities and a lot of parents are too busy working their butts off to spend time doing physically demanding activities with their children so, sadly, it’s all but inevitable that kids are getting fatter.

However, if children need to do even more exercise and facilities are thin on the ground, why not motivate them to take up that old playground classic activity of using a jump rope?

Not so many years ago, you could all but guarantee you would see children skipping at break time in schools throughout the country so maybe it’s time that jump ropes were reintroduced to schools or, better still, made compulsory? Continue reading