Are Skipping Ropes Suitable for Kids?

Best-Skipping-Ropes-For-KidsIt’s a sad however true fact that an increasing number of children are becoming overweight. With fewer opportunities for exercising and a diet loaded with junk food, the number of overweight children is steadily climbing.

Schools don’t have the resources to invest on health and fitness facilities and a lot of parents are too busy working their butts off to spend time doing physically demanding activities with their children so, sadly, it’s all but inevitable that kids are getting fatter.

However, if children need to do even more exercise and facilities are thin on the ground, why not motivate them to take up that old playground classic activity of using a jump rope?

Not so many years ago, you could all but guarantee you would see children skipping at break time in schools throughout the country so maybe it’s time that jump ropes were reintroduced to schools or, better still, made compulsory?

Regular schoolyard jump ropes were made of cotton and were simply lengths of rope cut to size. While useable, they weren’t really suitable for an excellent jump rope session as they tangled easily and were laboriously slow. Technology has leapt ahead tremendously since those days of cotton ropes so surely that means jump rope technology has advanced too? You bet!

Exactly what is the most effective jump rope for kids?

If your child wants to get more active and develop a healthy fitness habit, they can now use a much better kind of jump rope, a speed rope. While designed for adults, speed jump ropes are completely adjustable to suit the needs of a kid. These ropes are fast, smooth and very simple to use and in addition, look pretty cool too.

Designed for fighters, CrossFitters and other hardcore fitness enthusiasts, speed jump ropes are a joy to use and a lot easier to handle than the old cotton ropes. With a speed jump rope, your child can be doing techniques like double unders (2 rope turns per single jump) and cross overs in no time at all. Skipping is so much fun that it’s like exercise in disguise which makes it an ideal way to make kids more active.

Children’s skipping ropes are usually not really up to the job they are sold for. Too light to turn at a decent speed and not designed for any sort of serious usage, it’s not surprising that they are sold as toys instead of fitness activities. Rather than buy a kid’s skipping rope, investing a little extra on a decent speed jump rope means your kid is a lot more likely to enjoy using it and as a result will keep using it for years to come. And the fact that they are adjustable means you can alter the rope as your child grows — upward that is, and not outward …

Skipping ropes are arguably the ultimate in children’s exercise tools to help stop the current rise in childhood weight problems so why not do your bit by giving your child the best speed jump rope.

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