What is the Correct Length of a Jumping Rope?

What-Is-The-Correct-Length-For-Skipping-RopesIf you are going to get the most from any sort of workout, you need to make sure your equipment is right for you. If you cycle, the wrong-sized bike can make the shortest ride uncomfortable and who’d want to run in sneakers that are too big or too small.

So then, when it comes to skipping ropes, why do so lots of people simply pick up whatever rope they find tucked away in the corner of the health club or buy any old length of skipping rope when they head to the sporting goods shop? It’s no wonder that so many prospective skippers find skipping so difficult!

The length of your skipping rope can make or break your exercise. Too short and you’ll constantly trip over it or need to bend forward to give yourself space to get through the loop. Too long and it’s really difficult to time your jumps as there will be lots of rope dragging on the floor and the rope won’t spin as fast or as smoothly as it should.

So exactly how do you choose the best jumping rope length? Great question!

The quickest and easiest way to check your rope is to place one foot on the center of your rope and hold a handle in each hand. Pull the handles up; they should just reach your underarms. If your rope is too long, just tie a knot or more in the rope to shorten it. Make sure you tie the knots below the handles and not above or you’ll interfere with how the rope spins. If the rope is too short, discard it and get an additional one because it will cause you nothing but grief!

If your rope is a high quality adjustable model, just follow the manufacturer’s instructions and shorten or lengthen it accordingly. Feel free to make further minor adjustments after subsequent workouts to get your jumping rope length absolutely perfect. It’s also fine to trim off any excess and unwanted length away but be careful to do this only when you are absolutely positive you have actually got your rope the right length. If you are adjusting a rope for a growing kid, do not trim the excess as they’ll need a much longer rope in a few months time.

Alternatively, if you have a measuring tape handy, you can always use the chart below to size your jumping rope. At the very least, this gives you an idea of where you should be starting with your jumping rope length. You may still need to fine tune your rope length for optimum performance.

Height – Cable Length
5’0″(152cm) – 7’10″
5’1″(155cm) – 7’11″
5’2″(157cm) – 8’0″
5’3″(160cm) – 8’1″
5’4″(163cm) – 8’2″
5’5″(165cm) – 8’4″
5’6″(168cm) – 8’6″
5’7″(170cm) – 8’7″
5’8″(173cm) – 8’8″
5’9″(175cm) – 8’9″
5’10″(178cm) – 8’10″
5’11″(180cm) – 8’11″
6’0″(183cm) – 9’0″
6’1″(185cm) – 9’1″
6’2″(188cm) – 9’2″
6’3″(191cm) – 9’3″
6’4″(193cm) – 9’4″

Getting your jumping rope length right means you’ll get much more out of your workouts as you’ll trip less often and be able to jump faster and more smoothly. Take time to get this aspect right and you’ll appreciate your workouts much more!