Can a Jump Rope Enhance Your Physical and Mental Endurance?

How-Good-Is-Jump-Rope-For-CardioEndurance means different things to different people. For some, stamina is being able to climb mountains or run marathons but for others it’s the ability to get to the end of the working day not feeling absolutely exhausted.

In reality, stamina can be broken down into 2 physical and one mental component. If you want to become tireless, you need a little (or a lot) of all three!

Cardiovascular endurance: this is about the ability to absorb and transport oxygen to your muscles so you keep them supplied with lots of the right stuff they need to keep working. While you can operate without oxygen, you can’t do so for long — try holding your breath to see! The majority of human activities rely on oxygen so the more efficient you are at getting oxygen into your working muscles, the longer you’ll be able to continue with your chosen activity. Continue reading